Adventure In Mythology is an animated graphics adventure, where you have to gather treasures and ultimately win the hand of Atalanta, a huntress. In it you travel through ancient Greece, and you assume the personalities of various heroes in ancient Greek mythology. The game supported speech if you have a Sound Speech Pak, and also allows saving and loading of up to 10 games in progress. There are over 250 locations to explore, and you can use the arrow keys to move in the standard 4 directions (instead of using letters).
Title: Adventure In Mythology
Author: Scott Cabit
Publisher: Saguaro Software
Released: 1986 (programmed in late 1985)
Requires: Color Computer 1,2,3, 64K RAM, tape or disk.
Download MYTHOLOGY.ZIP. This contains a DSK image. Type LOADM"MYTHOLGY" to run. Note: This is a hacked version... if anyone has a clean version, please email me.