Bomber Command

Bomber Command intro screen #1 Bomber Command intro screen #2
Bomber Command intro screens 1&2
Bomber Command game screen #1 Bomber Command game screen #2
Bomber Command game screens 1&2.

Bomber Command is another of Ark Royal Games wartime simulation games, based on World War II (in this case, it covers the air war over Germany from 1941 to 1945). You must destroy German industry, while fighting off the Luftwaffe, enemy troops, etc. launching from England. Since this is such a long battle, each set of moves covers an entire month. Each turn you also get reinforcements, so you have to decide whether to not make any advances in a month (and build you reinforcements up), or to deploy them immediately. There is also a special, specific mission target each month, which you gain extra points for if you succeed.

Title: Bomber Command

Author: David W. Cochrane & Phillip E. Keller

Publisher: Ark Royal Games

Released: July 1983

Requires: Color Computer 1/2/3, 16K RAM (cassette) or 32K RAM (disk), Extended BASIC.

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