Caves of the Unwashed Heathen is an original 3D graphical adventure game, based on Dungeons & Dragons. The Coco 1/2 version runs a little bit slower, and uses the fixed palette of the machine, as you quest through multiple levels of the dungeon, gathering treasure and fighting monsters in your ultimate quest to defeat a dragon. The Coco 3 version runs a little faster, and adjusts the palette (for composite only, it looks like) to make it more "dungeony" (is that even a word?). Like D&D, it features hit points, attributes, character classes, weapons, armor and spells, and you level up as you go through more battles. It uses the low res graphics/text screen, and does quite well with the 3D hallways, doors, monsters etc. It even lets you look at the map while playing, and saving/loading multiple games to disk. On the Coco 3, you have the option of it creating a RAM disk to speed some of the loading and saving; however, make sure that you copy those to a real floppy or disk image, or they will be lost on reboot.
Title: Caves of the Unwashed Heathen
Author: Paul Shoemaker
Publisher: Paul Shoemaker
Released: 1996
Requires: Color Computer 1/2 (32K RAM) or Coco 3 (128K RAM),disk.