C-Hawk Football

C-Hawk Football intro screen #1

C-Hawk Football intro screen #1.
C-Hawk Football intro screen #2

C-Hawk Football intro screen #2.
C-Hawk Football game screen

C-Hawk Football game screen.

Please note that the screenshots are doubled in size vertically to fix the aspect ratio for browsers.

C-Hawk Football is a text simulation of football for one player, and was a freeware release for the Coco 3 in the early days after it's release. The program actually used the 640x192 graphics mode, to allow it to draw fancy cursors and boxes around the options (offense or defense). Although it is so randomized as to get annoying at times, it does present well on screen.

Title: C-Hawk Football

Author: Stephen Macri

Publisher: Freeware (released on Compuserve)

Released: December, 1986

Requires: Color Computer 3, 128K RAM , cassette or disk.

Please note that this is a tokenized BASIC program.

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