
Empire game screen #1 Empire game screen #2
Empire game screens #1 & 2
Empire game screen #3 Empire game screen #4
Empire game screens #3 & 4

Empire is a graphical version of the popular Risk board game, for a single human player against the computer. At the beginning, you and the computer alternate what countries you each are in charge of, and then you each allocate your armies within them. Then the battles start as the various countries attack each other, and either player can take over more of the world. The ultimate goal is to take over the entire world. The game is completely keyboard based and does not require a joystick. This game came out in the UK, and was sold both for the Dragon 32/64, and through Radio Shack for the Coco on cassette.

Title: Empire

Author: ???

Publisher: Shards Software

Released: 1984

Requires: Color Computer 1/2/3, 32K RAM, Extended BASIC.

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