
Euchre Intro screen #1 Euchre Intro screen #2
Euchre Intro screens 1 & 2

Euchre Game screen #1 Euchre Game screen #2
Euchre Game screens 1 & 2

Euchre Game screen #3

Euchre is a card game that requires only 1 human player (even though the game itself is a 4 player game). The game has 2 players on each time; two computer players are the human player's opponents, and the player's partner is also computer controlled. Like the card game itself, the game only uses 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King and Ace cards during game play. Each player is dealt 5 cards, which leaves 4 left. The card on the top of those 4 is automatically turned over, and whichever suit that is is the proposed trump (a suit that can beat all other suits irregardless of the value of the card). It should be noted that there are two special trump cards; the Jack in the trump suit becomes the most powerful card in the game. The Jack of the same color suit that is not the trump suit becomes the second highest ranked card in the game (for example if the trump suite is diamonds, then the jack of hearts becomes the 2nd most powerful card in the game). The other jacks are just normal.

At this point, each player can "P"ick that as the trump suit (the player would hit the "P" key), "Knock" to pass the decision to the next player(s) ("K" key for the player), or "Go Alone". This last option is an interesting one... not only does the player agree to the trump suit presented, but they figure that they can take the two opponent players on without their partner's help (thus changing the game to a 3 player game for the current round). If the player wins around when Going Alone, they get two tricks instead of one if they win the hand (I believe winning rounds of a hand does the same thing). Other than the trump suite or the special Jacks, the highest card in the suite that was led with wins the hand (if a player does not have any cards of that suite, and has no trump suit, can literally play any card that they have in their hand). If nobody agrees with the trump suit, then the player can pick one (the player by the C,S,H,D keys respectively for Clubs, Spaces, Hearts, Diamonds) or All in (A key).

Whomever wins the most tricks in a round gets their team a point (unless a Go Alone player won, in which case they get 2) until the first team to reach 10 points wins. The game will then announce the winner, and allow the player to continue the same game onwards, or restart from 0 points each (or quit the game, of course).

Title: Euchre

Author: ?

Publisher: Chroma-Systems Group

Released: July 1983

Requires: Color Computer 1,2 or 3, 32K RAM, Extended BASIC.

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