
Kindercomp intro screen Kindercomp main menu screen
Kindercomp intro and Main Menu screens
Kindercomp sample game screen (Sequence)

Kindercomp sample game (Sequence)

Kindercomp is one of a line of educational games that Spinnaker Software did for multiple machines, and was sold through Radio Shack/Tandy. This particular one is for very young kids (hence the title), and was one of their earlier efforts on other platforms. Basically, it teaches some typing, numbers and letters for kindergarten aged kids. The sample screenshot above shows the Sequence game, which teaches counting. There is also some simple drawing programs as well.

Title: Kindercomp

Author: ??? (Spinnaker Software)

Publisher: Tandy Corporation

Released: late 1984

Requires: Color Computer 1,2,3, 16K RAM, cartridge.

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