Maze Race is a timed race to find your way out of a fairly complex maze (31x30) from the top of the screen to the bottom. There is no visual cues or trails left behind where you have been before, so you pretty well have to keep track of which paths that you have been down before in your head. the player(s) are represented by the little men (one orange, one magenta), with the maze walls in green. The "high score" is the fastest time that you can solve a maze, and you can replay the same maze to improve your score, or request a new randomly generated one. When you play two players you don't take turns; it's simultaneous play and a race to see who will get out first. Once one player does, the 2nd player is allowed to continue until they get out as well. Both players start in the exact same spot.
During game play, the current time is on the lower right of the screen, and the best time on the current maze is on the lower left. The timer maxes out at 99 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds.
Title: Maze Race
Author: Andrew Hubbell
Publisher: Tom Mix Software
Released: September 1982
Requires: Color Computer 1,2,3, 16K RAM, joystick(s), cassette.