Pac-OS9 is version of Pac-OS9 is a version of Pac Man for OS-9 and NitrOS-9, and was released as Freeware
on Compuserve. It was done as a learning experience by it's author, Larry Olson, originally as a BASIC-09 project (which
was too slow at the time), and then as assembly language, using all "legal" OS-9 graphics display codes. The original version
from 1989 was hard-coded for the left joystick port, but that was soon rectified with a version that let the user select which joystick
they wanted to use. It featured one maze & random bonus shapes, and no free men.
Version 2, released 1992, added the ability to gain free men, high score saves, 1 or 2 players, and more than one maze (you have to clear each maze twice
to get to the next one). There are 8 mazes total in Version 2.
The joystick controls are a little "off" in that taking corners can get you to stop if you don't line up the corridor right. Other than
that, it is a perfectly playable, decent version of the arcade classic, that can be multi-tasked and launched from a GUI under OS-9/NitrOS-9.
Title: Pac-OS9
Author: Larry Olson
Publisher: Larry Olson
Released: Version 1: 1989. Version 2: 1992.
Requires: Color Computer 3 ONLY, OS-9 or NitrOS-9, 512K RAM, disk, joystick.
Download PacOS9_2.lzh: This contains the game program itself. Use the LHA/XLH program to extract.
Download PacOS9_src_2.lzh: This contains the 6809, RMA assembler sourcecode. Use the LHA/XLH program to extract.