
Pac-Man intro screen #1 Pac-Man intro screen #2
Pac-Man intro screens 1 & 2
Pac-Man intro screen #3 Pac-Man intro screen #4
Pac-Man intro screens 3 & 4
Pac-Man game screen

Pac-Man game screen

Pac-Man marked author Nick Marentes' return to the Coco world, after having exited it in 1992 after the release of Cosmic Ambush. It is the closest clone of an arcade game ever done on any of the Coco's: the graphics are pretty well exact, as well as the music, game play, bonus shapes, and even the intermissions from the original arcade game; are all there. The version included here is the 1 level demo... You will have to order the full version of the game in order to play for all 8 bonus shapes, and to see all 3 intermissions. Nick's webpage can be found here.

Title: Pac-Man

Author: Nick Marentes

Publisher: Nick Marentes

Released: 1997

Requires: Color Computer 3 ONLY, 512K RAM, disk, joystick.

Download PACDEMO.ZIP: This contains the PACDEMO.DSK file.

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