
Squeeze intro screen #1 Squeeze intro screen #2
Squeeze intro screens #1 & 2

Squeeze intro screen #3 Squeeze intro screen #4
Squeeze intro screens #3 & 4

Squeeze game screen #1 Squeeze game screen #2
Squeeze game screens #1 & 2

Squeeze game screen #3 Squeeze game screen #4
Squeeze game screens #3 & 4

Squeeze is an arcade style game written in Extended BASIC, using keyboard controls. Basically the player is traveling up and down a vertical corridor and shoots the left or right (all movement and firing is done by the arrow keys) to destroy the aliens as they slowly (at first) move towards the corridor; once any single alien gets to the center corridor the player is destroyed and the game is over. Unlike a lot of arcade games, the game can end with the player having total victory; they have to kill 100 aliens. As the player progresses, explosions start staying on the screen to cloud the players view of the incoming aliens. The player also loses 5 of their kills each time they fire down an empty corridor with no alien to hit.

The game is pretty good for Extended BASIC, but probably should have been a magazine game by the time it came out in November 1982, rather than as a commercial product, since by this time it had a lot of machine language games for competition.

Title: Squeeze

Author: ???

Publisher: Real Software

Released: November 1982

Requires: Color Computer 1,2 or 3, 16K RAM, Extended BASIC, cassette or disk

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