Star Blaze is the second Defender based game that Greg Zumwalt did (his first was Offender). This version is a bit different, though, as it adds in some elements that didn't exist in either Offender or Defender: there is both refueling and repair stations (see above screenshot for a repair station example), and other things to keep track of for your ship (Fuel, Torpedoes, Shields and Radar). There is a also a galaxy map (similiar to Project Nebula's), as well as the radar map of Defender, with a total of 64 sectors of space that you have to go through. You can actually win the game, if all 64 sectors are clear of aliens.
Title: Star Blaze
Author: Greg Zumwalt
Publisher: Tandy/Radio Shack
Released: 1983
Requires: Color Computer 1,2,3, 16K RAM, cartridge, joystick.