The Factory is one of a line of educational games that Sunburst Communications did for multiple machines, and was sold through Radio Shack/Tandy. This particular one (available for Mac, Atari 400/800, and possibly others), has the player getting a request for an item to make, and then having to figure out what processes to run their raw material through (and in what order) in order to get the finished product. There are 3 processes/machines to use: a hole puncher, a striper, and a block rotator. Each of these has it's own options (the hole puncher can do round or square holes, and 1-3 at a time; the block rotator can rotate 4 different rotations, and the striper can paint stripes in 3 different thicknesses).
Title: The Factory
Author: ??? (Sunburst Communications, game designed by Marge Kosei and Mike Fish)
Publisher: Tandy Corporation
Released: 1984
Requires: Color Computer 1,2,3, 32K RAM, disk.