Warrior King is a clone of the arcade game Rastan. It was one of the first Sundog games made for the Coco 3, and features 320x200x16 color graphics
and some digital sound effects. The game play is not as colorful or smooth as the original arcade, but the game has multiple levels, different weapons and monsters, and
special terrain that can be a hinderance or a help. The ultimate goal is to recover Rastann's (your character's name) crown from the evil forces
that stole it. You have three lives, and a heart monitor shows how much damage your current life has. The game is very fussy with things like jumps; you have to make sure you are
on the right step of your walk to jump to where exactly you want to jump.
Title: Warrior King
Author: Glen R. Dahlgren
Publisher: Sundog Systems
Released: 1988
Requires: Color Computer 3 with 128K RAM, disk only, joystick.