Thomas Boyle Family tree - and side branches

Pedigree for Bruce Clare MARGINSON

  +———Edwin Clare MARGINSON ( – living)  |      Bruce Clare MARGINSON ( – living)  |                  |           +———Robert MARTIN (abt 1825 Ireland – bet 1861 and 1871 Ontario, Canada)  |           |  |       +———William James “James” MARTIN (20 Jun 1856 Wilberforce, Ontario, Canada – 8 Nov 1927 Renfrew, Ontario, Canada)  |       |   |      |       |   +———Jane TURNER (abt 1831 Ontario, Canada – aft Apr 1891)  |       |  |   +———Thomas MARTIN (11 Apr 1892 – 23 Nov 1961)  |   |   |                  |   |   |           +———William (unverified) BOYLE (abt 1770 Ireland – Ireland)  |   |   |           |  |   |   |       +———Henry John BOYLE (1 May 1803 Bandon, County Cork, Ireland – 3 Feb 1876 Lake Dore, Ontario, Canada)  |   |   |       |   |      |   |   |       |   +———Sophie (unverified) DAVIES  |   |   |       |  |   |   |   +———William BOYLE (11 Jul 1836 Huntley Twp, Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada – 1 Mar 1907)  |   |   |   |   |      |   |   |   |   +———Martha READE (Huntley Twp, Ontario, Canada – 1843 Huntley Twp, Ontario, Canada)  |   |   |   |  |   |   +———Jeanette “Nettle” BOYLE (26 Jul 1867 Hagerty, Ontario, Canada – 14 Mar 1920)  |   |       |                  |   |       |           +———John BOWES (12 Apr 1705 – )  |   |       |           |  |   |       |       +———William “James” BOWES (15 Nov 1760 Glamis, Scotland – 4 Jan 1835 Ramsey Twp, Lanark Co, Ontario, Canada)  |   |       |       |   |      |   |       |       |   +———LILLIAS CUTHBERTSON  |   |       |       |  |   |       |   +———Robert BOWES (22 Mar 1806 Damhead of Balloch, Reg of Bonhill, Dubartonshire, Scotland – 15 Oct 1898 Admaston Twp, Ontario, Canada)  |   |       |   |   |          |   |       |   |   |   +———James MONTEITH  |   |       |   |   |   |  |   |       |   |   +———Lady Margaret MONTEITH (2 Oct 1768 Port Glasgow, Renfrewshire, Scotland – 1838 Ramsey Twp, Lanark, Ontario, Canada)  |   |       |   |       |          |   |       |   |       |   +———Robert KERR (bef 1717 – )  |   |       |   |       |   |  |   |       |   |       +———Katherine KERR (17 Jul 1747 Port Glasgow, Scotland – )  |   |       |   |           |          |   |       |   |           |   +———James SINCLAIR  |   |       |   |           |   |  |   |       |   |           +———Margaret SINCLAIR (bef 1721 Scotland – Scotland)  |   |       |   |               |      |   |       |   |               +———Catherine TAYLOR  |   |       |   |  |   |       +———Mary Black BOWES (23 Sep 1845 Admaston, Ontario, Canada – 25 Nov 1918)  |   |           |                  |   |           |           +———Walter BLACK (1734 Scotland – aft 1837 Scotland)  |   |           |           |  |   |           |       +———Walter BLACK  |   |           |       |  |   |           |   +———Walter BLACK (1769 – 1851 Ontario, Canada)  |   |           |   |  |   |           +———Janet BLACK (14 Apr 1815 near Glasgow Cross, Glasgow, Scotland – 6 May 1891 Admaston Twp, Ontario, Canada)  |   |               |      |   |               +———Ellen GUNNAN (1773 – 1842)  |   |  +———Margery Isabel MARTIN ( – living)      |          +———Flora May HENDERSON (3 May 1897 – 1997)

Tuesday, March 28, 2023