Thomas Boyle Family tree - and side branches
Family Group Record for François Saumier LAJEUNESSE and Rosalie BRISSETTE
Husband: François Saumier LAJEUNESSEBorn: on 4 Oct. 1804 in Ste Therese, Terrebonne, Quebec, CanadaBaptized: Married: on 20 Oct. 1834 in St. Anicet, Quebec, CanadaDied: on 22 July 1854 in St. Anicet, Quebec, CanadaBuried: His Father: François LAJEUNESSEHis Mother: Marie COUVRETTEPedigree Descendants
Wife: Rosalie BRISSETTEBorn: between 1813 and 1816Baptized: Died: in 1891 in St. Anicet, Quebec, CanadaBuried: Her Father:Her Mother:Her Second Husband: Hugh MACMANNUSDescendants
1 Son: Joseph SAUMIERBorn: about 1837Baptized: Died: Buried: Pedigree
2 Son: Onesime Albert SAUMIERBorn: on 8 March 1838 in St. Anicet, Quebec, CanadaBaptized: Died: on 13 March 1903 in Pentanguishene, Simcoe, Ontario, CanadaBuried: His Wife: Marguerite Marie DESCHAMPSPedigree Descendants
3 Son: François Xavier SAUMIERBorn: about 1838Baptized: Died: Buried: His Wife: Délima DUBREUILPedigree
4 Son: Edouard SAUMIER DIT LAJEUNESSEBorn: on 29 Sep. 1843 in St. Anicet, Quebec, CanadaBaptized: Died: in 1870 in St. Jovite, Terrebonne, Quebec, CanadaBuried: His Wife: Marie DESCHAMPSPedigree Descendants
5 Dau: Angèlique SAUMIERBorn: on 26 Dec. 1845 in St. Anicet, Quebec, CanadaBaptized: Died: Buried: Pedigree
6 Son: Ezarc SAUMIERBorn: about 1845Baptized: Died: Buried: Pedigree
7 Son: Antoine SAUMIERBorn: on 8 Feb. 1848 in St. Anicet, Quebec, CanadaBaptized: Died: on 18 Feb. 1894 in Aitken, Minnesota, USABuried: His Wife: Aurelie “Lilie” BONNEVILLEPedigree
8 Son: Isaac SAUMIERBorn: on 6 April 1850 in St. Anicet, Quebec, CanadaBaptized: Died: Buried: His Wife: Mathilda LEBLANCPedigree Descendants