Thomas Boyle Family tree - and side branches

Family Group Record for William Henry HOLLEY and Martha Jane “Mattie” THOMPSON

Husband: William Henry HOLLEYBorn: on 28 Jan. 1872 in Artemesia Township, Grey County, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Married: on 31 Jan. 1911 in Park House, Ontario, CanadaDied: on 7 May 1939 in home, Holland Township, Ontario, CanadaBuried: on 9 May 1939 in Markdale Cemetery, Markdale, Ontario, CanadaHis Father: Jacob Henry “Jake” HOLLEYHis Mother: Elizabeth “Eliza” MADILLNotes Pedigree Descendants Images
Wife: Martha Jane “Mattie” THOMPSONBorn: on 1 July 1888 in Artemesia Township, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Died: after 7 May 1939Buried: Her Father: Jacob THOMPSONHer Mother: Sarah IRWINPedigree Descendants Images
1 Son: William Carl “Carl” HOLLEYBorn: on 14 Jan. 1913 in Artemesia Township, Grey County, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Died: on 16 Jan. 1957Buried: His Wife: Florence Victoria HARRISONNotes Pedigree Descendants
2 Dau: Nora Irene HOLLEYBorn: on 18 Nov. 1916 in Artemesia Township, Grey County, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Died: after 7 May 1939Buried: Her Husband: William Thompson “Bill” HYSLOPNotes Pedigree Descendants
3 Son: Chester Mervin HOLLEYBorn: on 22 Oct. 1918 in Euphrasia Township, Grey County, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Died: Buried: His Wife: Jessie Mae Catherine MACDONALDPedigree Descendants
4 Dau: Ruth HOLLEYBorn: on 22 Sep. 1920 in Euphrasia Township, Grey County, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Died: Buried: Her First Husband: Don LENIUSHer Second Husband: Wilbert SUTCLIFFEPedigree Descendants
5 Dau: Ruby HOLLEYBorn: in Euphrasia Township, Grey County, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Died:Buried: Her Husband: James WATTNotes Pedigree Descendants
6 Son: Delbert Jacob HOLLEYBorn: on 22 March 1924 in Holland Township, Grey County, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Died: on 16 Nov. 1975 in Shelton, Washington, USABuried: His Wife: Dorothy Eileen TEETERPedigree Descendants
7 Son: Dean HOLLEYBorn: in Holland Township, Grey County, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Died:Buried: His First Wife: Jean TEETERHis Second Wife: Isabell WHITEMOREPedigree
Tuesday, March 28, 2023