Birth date from family bible. 1901 census says same date, but 1871.
Surname incorrectly spelled as Holly in Flesherton Advance headline announcement of their wedding (spelled correctly in article itself) from Feb. 9, 1911:”Holly--ThompsonA very pretty house wedding took place at the Park house on Jan. 31st, when Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thompson gave their youngest daughter, Mattie, in marriage to Mr. W.H. Holley of Markdale. The bride entered the parlor leaning on her farther’s arm to the strains of the Wedding March played by Rev. Mr. Milligan, and looked charming in a gown of cream silk and lace, and carried a bouquet of American Beauty roses and asparagus fern. Her cousin, Miss Myrtle Thompson, of Toronto, who attended her, wore a very becoming gown of yellow satin with white lace corsage, and carried a bouquet of daffodils. Her pastor, Rev. Mr. Milligan, peformed the ceremony, after which a sumptuous repast was served in the dining room. Over eighty guests had been invited. The presents many and costly.The happy couple left on their wedding trip amid showers of rice and confetti. After the 20th they will be at home to their friends in Markdale, where they will reside.”
He and his wife lived in Markdale, ON as of Feb. 1923 (from Jacob Thompson obit).
He was living in Holland Center by 1924 (his father’s death in January).
Obituary from May 17, 1939 Flesherton Advance:
“Wm. Holley Dies
The funeral of the late Wm. H. Holley, who passed away at his home in Holland township on Sunday, May 7, was held on Tuesday afternoon of last week, interment being made in Markdale cemetery. The late Mr. Holley had been in failing health for some time, suffering from paralysis of the nerves, finally developing into pneumonia. He was born 67 years ago on the east backline, Artemesia, and was a son of the late Jacob Holley.The late Mr. Holley was united in marriage twenty-eight years ago to Martha Jane Thompson of Flesherton, who survives, together with seven children: Carl of Sault Ste. Marie; Nora, Markdale; Chester, Ruthy, Ruby, Delbert and Dean, all at home. He also leaves two brothers, Alex. of Sault Ste. Marie and Jacob of Markdale. Three sisters predeceased him some years ago.”
The Markdale Advance obituary (May 11, 1939) goes into more detail on pallbearers, and mentions that the funeral was conducted by Rev. R.K. Burnside, with Rev. W.G. Wakefield assisting.