There is a Robert Storey, born 9 Apr 1827 (age 73) in the Fitroy 1901 census. He is married to Margaret (born Nov 14 1828), and had daughter (presumably from a previous marriage of Margaret’s) name Margaret Hamilton, born Apr 15,1877. This is the Lanark Ditrict, Sub-district Fitzroy D-1, page 6.
Listed in 1881 census in Fitzroy Township, Carleton County, as age 54, as a farmer. With Wife Margaret, son John George, son Johnston, daughter Margaret, son Robert, son Ephraim, son Frederic M..
Listed in 1891 census as being with his wife Margaret, sons Ephraim and Frederick, and daughter Margaret (although this may be a grand-daughter). There was also a German born farm labouror living with them at the time named Charles Lyon.
In the Kinburn Baptist Cemetery in Fitzroy is a gravestone with a Robert Story who died Dec. 23, 1905 or 1906, aged 7x years old (can’t read), buried with his wife Margaret Johnston, who died aged 76 who died in 1904. See:
This is quite likely him, as there other Storey’s nearby.
There is also a Robert Story listed as deputy reeve of Fitzroy from 1865-1867.
There is mention of Robert Story Sr. sporting a long beard, in the “Beyond our Memory: a history of the Fitzroy township”.