Birth recorded in Moose Fort Mission Church records, 1780-1894. Charles is listed as the 7th of 10 children. Godfather was Alex Leavy, godmother was Mrs. Lean.
Charles is listed as a yeoman of Vaudreuil on their marriage record. Was listed as a farmer or merchant on kids baptism records. Marriage performed by Rev. Joseph Abbott.
A newspaper article (Ottawa newspaper) on him calls him a fur trader, and mentions that his father, a “hard man”, sent him for schooling in London,England, without even letting his mother say goodbye.
The Thomas family history states that after returning to Moose Factory from his education in England (8 years), he was transferred to Point St. Charles near Montreal. He was then transferred to Peace River Landing, Northwest Territory, where he lived a number of years with the title “Inspector of Forts”. It also mentions that he travelled as far as Great Slave Lake, Great Bear Lake and Coppermine River. He apparently return to his home in Point St. Charles around 1830, and lived there for 2 years inspecting forts on the Ottawa and Bonnechere Rivers. He then moved to Dorea Lake (french name for the name of fish) with his family in the autumn of 1836, and renamed it Golden Lake, and it was thus recorded under that name on the Hudson Bay Company charts. They lived at Knights Point at first, and moved the next summer to the north shore, a place called The Point.
The Renfrew Mercury had his obituary on March 14, 1873, where it mentions that he died “quite unexpectedly” “after a few days’ illness.”