Thomas Boyle Family tree - and side branches

Family Group Record for Charles THOMAS and Hannah “Smurm” MANNALL

Husband: Charles THOMASBorn: on 9 Sep. 1793 in Moose Factory, Northwest Territories, CanadaBaptized: Married: on 16 Feb. 1824Died: on 8 March 1873 in Golden Lake, Ontario, CanadaBuried: His Father: John Thomas Sr. THOMASHis Mother: Margaret CREENotes Pedigree Descendants
Wife: Hannah “Smurm” MANNALLBorn: on 31 Aug. 1795 in Kenogamissi House, Northwest Territories, CanadaBaptized: Died: on 16 April 1868 in Ontario, CanadaBuried: Her Father: John MANNALLHer Mother:Pedigree Descendants
1 Dau: Elizabeth THOMASBorn: on 2 Oct. 1812Baptized: Died: in 1892Buried: Pedigree
2 Son: Charles THOMASBorn: on 1 May 1815 in Vaudreuil, Quebec, CanadaBaptized: Died: on 22 March 1865Buried: Pedigree
3 Son: John THOMASBorn: on 10 Aug. 1817Baptized: Died: on 25 Nov. 1839Buried: Notes Pedigree
4 Son: Edward THOMASBorn: on 18 Nov. 1819 in Cuare Island, Northwest Territories, CanadaBaptized: Died: in 1897Buried: His Wife: Catherine PIERCENotes Pedigree Descendants
5 Son: William THOMASBorn: on 15 Feb. 1822 in Montreal, Quebec, CanadaBaptized: Died: on 10 May 1886 in Wilberforce, Ontario, CanadaBuried: His Wife: Zylpha Sophia PIERCEPedigree Descendants
6 Dau: Margaret THOMASBorn: on 10 Nov. 1824Baptized: on 19 Jan. 1825Died: Buried: Pedigree
7 Son: Thomas THOMASBorn: on 24 June 1827Baptized: Died: Buried: Notes Pedigree
8 Son: Richard Story THOMASBorn: on 14 June 1838 in Golden Lake, Ontario, CanadaBaptized: Died: on 19 June 1902 in North Algona, Ontario, CanadaBuried: His Wife: Elizabeth MCLENNANNotes Pedigree Descendants
Tuesday, March 28, 2023