Thomas Boyle Family tree - and side branches

Family Group Record for John Thomas Sr. THOMAS and Margaret CREE

Husband: John Thomas Sr. THOMASBorn: in 1751 in London, EnglandBaptized: Married: in 1779Died: on 9 June 1822 in Vaudreiul, Quebec, CanadaBuried: His Father:His Mother:Notes Descendants
Wife: Margaret CREEBorn: in 1750 in James Bay, Rupert’s Land, CanadaBaptized: Died: on 31 Dec. 1831 in Moose Factory, Northwest Territories, CanadaBuried: Her Father:Her Mother:Notes Descendants
1 Dau: Eleanor THOMASBorn: on 22 Nov. 1780 in Old Brunswick HouseBaptized: Died: on 22 June 1878Buried: Her First Husband: Thomas II THOMASHer Second Husband: William RICHARDSHer Third Husband: Peter FOYPedigree
2 Son: John Jr. THOMASBorn: on 25 Sep. 1784 in Moose Factory, Northwest Territories, CanadaBaptized: Died: on 3 June 1816 in Moose Factory, Northwest Territories, CanadaBuried: His Wife: Mary O’CONNORNotes Pedigree Descendants
3 Dau: Margaret THOMASBorn: on 25 Sep. 1784 in Moose Factory, Northwest Territories, CanadaBaptized: Died: DeceasedBuried: Notes Pedigree
4 Dau: Elizabeth THOMASBorn: in July 1786 in Moose Factory, Northwest Territories, CanadaBaptized: Died: before 1881 in Moose Factory, Northwest Territories, CanadaBuried: Her First Husband: Richard Story ROBINSHer Second Husband: William James “James” RUSSELLPedigree Descendants
5 Dau: Charlotte THOMASBorn: on 2 June 1788 in Moose Factory, Northwest Territories, CanadaBaptized: Died: on 17 May 1842 in Hudson Heights, Quebec, CanadaBuried: Her Husband: Peter SPENCEPedigree
6 Dau: Mary THOMASBorn: on 23 July 1791 in Moose Factory, Northwest Territories, CanadaBaptized: Died: in 1794/5Buried: Pedigree
7 Son: Charles THOMASBorn: on 9 Sep. 1793 in Moose Factory, Northwest Territories, CanadaBaptized: Died: on 8 March 1873 in Golden Lake, Ontario, CanadaBuried: His Wife: Hannah “Smurm” MANNALLNotes Pedigree Descendants
8 Dau: Nancy THOMASBorn: in 1794 in Moose Factory, Northwest Territories, CanadaBaptized: Died: Buried: Her First Husband: Thomas HODGSONHer Second Husband: Alexander CHRISTIEPedigree
9 Dau: Frances “Fanny” THOMASBorn: on 17 Sep. 1796Baptized: Died: on 22 Nov. 1869Buried: Her First Husband: Andrew STEWARTHer Second Husband: George JOHNSTONEPedigree
10 Son: Edward THOMASBorn: on 5 Feb. 1801 in Northwest Territories, CanadaBaptized: Died: In InfancyBuried: Pedigree
11 Son: Richard Edward THOMASBorn: on 13 Feb. 1803 in Northwest Territories, CanadaBaptized: Died: In InfancyBuried: Pedigree
12 Dau: Jane THOMASBorn: on 29 Oct. 1804 in Northwest Territories, CanadaBaptized: Died: In InfancyBuried: Pedigree
13 Son: Henry THOMASBorn: in 1807 in Northwest Territories, CanadaBaptized: Died: Buried: Notes Pedigree
Tuesday, March 28, 2023